
Reads consumer's devices data returning command's result in Xml format

public XmlDocument DeviceLoadToXml(bool <byHttps>, string <userName>, string <password>, DeviceLoadParameters <deviceLoadParameters>, ref char <messageType>, ref string <message>)


bool <byHttps> Set to true if you want to user https protocol otherwise, if you want to use http, set it to false
string <userName> A string containing the username assigned from MyWakes
string <password> A string containing the password for the MyWakes user
DeviceLoadParameters <deviceLoadParameters> A DeviceLoadParameters object containing command's specific parameters
ref char <messageType> A string containing output parameter that will return the type of message returned in <message> field: I=information, W=warning, E=error
ref string <message> A string containing output parameter with the message content


Represents the parameters associated with DeviceLoadToXml and DeviceLoad methods
UInt32 <Consumer> The Consumer's Id to read devices data linked to

Returned Type: XmlDocument

Returns an XML Document with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
	<message><![CDATA[ OK ]]></message>
			<apnuser />
			<apnpassword />



  • <message> contains OK or Error description
  • <sms> user's number of SMS left
  • <devices> the collection of consumer's devices. Each consumer should have linked only one device. If more than one device is linked to a consumer you should point out this anomaly.
    • <device> this tag encloses each device data
      • <id> device Id
      • <type> device type, can have one of the following value:
        • 1 = TK102-2
        • 2 = TK102
        • 4 = TK203
        • 5 = TK201-2
        • 6 = TK201
        • 7 = XT107
        • 20 = IFD6000
        • 21 = IFD-NET
        • 30 = Daggy
        • 40 = Angelo
      • <expiration> service expiration date
      • <imei> device's IMEI code
      • <tel> SIM's telephone number
      • <password> device password
      • <servermode> connection mode to My Wakes platform, can be:
        • 0 (zero) not connected
        • 1 (one) connected do My Wakes platform
      • <apn> APN address of the SIM into the device
      • <apnuser> APN user name
      • <apnpassword> APN password
      • <intervalmode> timing sampling mode, can be:
        • 0 (zero) disabled
        • 1 (one) enabled
      • <interval> sampling interval in seconds
      • <sendinterval> permit to group more sampling into one packet
      • <geolat1> virtual fence latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. If virtual fence is a circle this value is the latitude of the center of the circle, otherwise the top left of the area.
      • <geolon1> virtual fence longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. If virtual fence is a circle this value is the latitude of the center of the circle, otherwise the top left of the area.
      • <georadius1> virtual fence radius in meters.
      • <geolat2> virtual fence latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. It is the latitude of the bottom right of the area.
      • <geolon2> virtual fence longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. It is the latitude of the bottom right of the area.
      • <gpsmode> GPS mode, can be:
        • 0 (zero) disabled
        • 1 (one) enabled
      • <phone1> first telephone number
      • <phone2> second telephone number
      • <phone3> third telephone number
      • <centerphone> phone number to sent SMS and fences alarms to
      • <tracktype> tracking mode, can be:
        • -1 (minus one) no track is recorded
        • 0 (zero) – if track is private and still visible only to the track owner.
        • 1 (one) – if the track will be published to a page that has to be shown to friends
        • 2 (two) – if the track can be published in a common page where all public tracks are visible to everybody
      • <radar> consumer's position update mode:
        • 0 (zero) the device will not update the consumer's position
        • 1 (one) the device will update the consumer's position
      • <battery> battery's charge percentage
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