Returned Type:
Returns an XML Document with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<message><![CDATA[ OK ]]></message>
- <message> contains OK or Error description
- <items> if the command has succeeded and <message> is OK this tag exists and contains the list of the track with following node:
- <item> each element of the list, can be repeated more times and contains the following tags:
- <id> consumer's Id: it's the only way to identify the consumer and get the consumer's related tracks
- <callsign> the consumer's identifier
- <description> the consumer's description set by the user
- <tottrack> the total number of the existing tracks for that consumer
- <lasttracktime> the UTC starting date and time of the last track in yyyyMMddhhmmss format
- <odometer> the odometer's value for the current consumer
- <hoursmeter> the hoursmeter's value for the current consumer
- <lat> the point's latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. This is the last known latitude. This field is present only if input parameter value <completelist> is equal to 2 (two)
- <lon> the point's longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign. This is the last known longitude. This field is present only if input parameter value <completelist> is equal to 2 (two)
- <latlontime> UTC date and time of the last known position. This field is present only if input parameter value <completelist> is equal to 2 (two)
- <antitheft> represents the status of anti theft, this is the last known longitude. This field is present only if input parameter value <completelist> is equal to 2 (two):
- 0=anti theft not activated
- 1=anti theft activated