
The command sends a point in the current track. If the user did not sent the command that starts a new track, a new track will be started.
It is recommended that the client sends to the server this command at predetermined intervals or in the case of a significant change of the heading.
If a sending fails the trackpoint can be resubmitted in the next command together with the new trackpoint detected. In case of failure, no trackpoint will be inserted.

Command's fields description:

  • txtUser1 field is the “username” of MyWakes account.

  • txtUser2 field is the “password” of MyWakes account.

  • txtCommand field contains the command: “trackpoint”.

  • txtFormat optional field specifies txtParameters and response formats. more info.

  • txtParameter field contains a structure like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
  "trackpoint": {
    "imei": "123456789012345",
    "points": {
      "point": {
        "latitude": "44.5",
        "longitude": "11",
        "altitude": "2500",
        "accuracy": "10",
        "altitudeaccuracy": "20",
        "heading": "50",
        "speed": "55.55",
        "message": "Ciao.",
        "time": "20101025183000"



  • <imei> mandatory. It is the IMEI of the device that generated the points.

  • <points> list of surveyed points. Contains many <point> nodes.

    • <point> each point detected. At least one point must be present. It contains following tags:

      • <latitude> mandatory. It is the point's latitude, expressed in degrees and decimal degree. The decimal separator must be the “.” (dot). In the case of Southern Hemisphere the value will be negative and then preceded by a minus sign.

      • <longitude> mandatory. It is the point's longitude, expressed in degrees and decimal degree. The decimal separator must be the “.” (dot). In the case of Western Hemisphere the value will be negative and then preceded by a minus sign.

      • <altitude> optional. It is the altitude expressed in feet without decimals.

      • <accuracy> optional. It is the point's accuracy expressed in meters without decimals.

      • <altitudeaccuracy> optional. It is the altitude accuracy expressed in feet without decimals.

      • <type> optional. Can take the following values:

        • 0 (zero) normal.
        • 1 (one) SOS.
        • 2 begin of activity.
        • 3 end of activity.
        • 4 button 1 (one) pressed.
        • 5 button 2 (two) pressed.
        • 6 button 3 (three) pressed.
        • 7 button 4 (four) pressed.
        • 8 state changed from motion to rest.
        • 9 state changed from rest to motion.
        • 100 ~ 218 POI's (Point of Interest) category linked to the track. The categories are visible in the following table.

          Point types


      • <heading> optional. Consumer's direction expressed in degree from 0 to 359 without decimals.

      • <speed> optional. It is expressed in meters per second and fractions of a meter per second. The decimal separator must be the “.” (dot).

      • <odometer> optional. Odometer value of the consumer at this point expressed in Km. The decimal separator must be the “.” (dot).

      • <hoursmeter> optional. Hoursmeter value of the consumer at this point expressed in hours. The decimal separator must be the “.” (dot).

      • <message> optional. A text message to associate to the point with maximum length of 1000 characters.

      • <time> mandatory, date and time in UTC. The accepted format is “yyyyMMddhhmmss”.

  • txtProvider field must contain the application calling ID and generated characters.

  • txtSignature field must contain the signature based on the string made of “Command Name” + “last trackpoint's time” + “last trackpoint's latitude” + “last trackpoint's longitude” + “generated character to 32”.

Looking at the previous example, the string on which calculate the check will be:

Therefore the txtProvider field will be:

Returns a structure like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<message><![CDATA[ OK ]]></message>
  "furesult": {
    "message": " OK "



  • <message> contains OK or Error description

If MyWakes server returns an error, the format of this answer is described in the error section.

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  • © Cedac Sistemi srl
  • Head office: Via Toscana, 3 40035 Castiglione dei Pepoli (Italy) Tel.: +39 0534-93811 Fax: +39 0534-93899
  • Branch office: Via del Lavoro, 47 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)
  • Branch office: Via Parini, 1 40033 Casalecchio di Reno (Italy)
  • Share capital Euro 26,000.00 - Company Register of Bologna / VAT no / fiscal code 01695261204