Returned Type:
Returns a DataTable with the following structure:
int <ID>
Consumer's Id. If not set the value will be -1
string <UserName>
User username
string <FirstName>
User first name
string <LastName>
User last name
decimal <Latitude>
The point's latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
decimal <Longitude>
The point's longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
int <Accuracy>
The point's accuracy in meters without decimal numbers
int <Altitude>
The point's altitude in feet without decimal numbers
int <AltitudeAccuracy>
The altitude's accuracy in feet without decimal numbers
int <Heading>
The direction of the vehicle in degrees from 0 to 359
decimal <Speed>
The detected speed expressed in meters per second and tenths of a meter per second
int <Status>
The consumer status. 0 (zero) for normal status, 1 (one) for rest status, 2 power on and waiting points, 3 power off
string <Avatar>
The gravatar's URL of the track's owner
string <Message>
A message sent along with the position. Maximum length is 1000 characters
DateTime <Time>
UTC date and time of the position
int <TrackId>
The Id of the track that updated its position. In friend and public mode, if the track can not be viewed, is set to -1
string <CallSign>
Consumer identifier
int <IconType>
The type of the Icon: 0=12x20 pixel with pin at 6x20, 1=32x37 pixel with pin at 16x37, 2=32x37 pixel with pin at 16x18
string <IconUrl>
The URL of the Icon