
Returns user's position in Xml format

public XmlDocument GetRadarToXml(bool <byHttps>, string <userName>, string <password>, TrackRadarParameters <trackRadarParameters>, ref char <messageType>, ref string <message>)


bool <byHttps> Set to true if you want to user https protocol otherwise, if you want to use http, set it to false
string <userName> A string containing the username assigned from MyWakes
string <password> A string containing the password for the MyWakes user
TrackRadarParameters <trackRadarParameters> A TrackRadarParameters object containing command's specific parameters
ref char <messageType> A string containing output parameter that will return the type of message returned in <message> field: I=information, W=warning, E=error
ref string <message> A string containing output parameter with the message content


ModeValue <Mode> Filter data to show Private, Friend or Public radar
UInt16 <PastMinutes> Expressed in minutes, represents how much old a radar could be to be showed. Maximum value is 6000. If set to 0 (zero) all the last known positions will be showed. Default value is 60.

Returned Type: XmlDocument

Returns an XML Document with the following structure:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
	<message><![CDATA[ OK ]]></message>



  • <message> contains OK or Error description
  • <items> if the command has succeeded and <message> is OK this tag exists and contains the list of positions:
    • <item> each position element. Can be repeated many times and contains the following data:
      • <id> consumer Id. If the consumer is not selected the value will be -1.
      • <username> track's owner username
      • <firstname> track's owner first name
      • <lastname> track's owner last name
      • <latitude> the point's latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
      • <longitude> the point's longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
      • <altitude> the point's altitude in feet without decimal numbers
      • <accuracy> the point's accuracy in meters without decimal numbers
      • <altitudeaccuracy> the altitude's accuracy in feet without decimal numbers
      • <heading> the direction of the vehicle in degrees from 0 to 359
      • <speed> the detected speed expressed in meters per second and tenths of a meter per second
      • <status> The consumer status.
        • 0 (zero) for normal status
        • 1 (one) for rest status
        • 2 power on and waiting points
        • 3 power off
      • <message> a message sent along with the position. Maximum length is 1000 characters
      • <trackid> the Id of the track that updated the position. In Friend or Public mode, if the track could not be shared, this value is -1.
      • <avatar> gravatar URL of track's owner
      • <time> UTC date and time of the position in yyyyMMddhhmmss format
      • <callsign> consumer's identifier
      • <icontype> the type of the Icon:
        • 0=12x20 pixel with pin at 6x20
        • 1=32x37 pixel with pin at 16x37
        • 2=32x37 pixel with pin at 16x18
      • <iconurl> the icon's URL
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