Returned Type:
Returns an XML Document with the following structure:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
- <message> contains OK or Error description
- <items> se il comando è andato a buon fine ed il tag <message> contiene OK questo tag è presente e contiene la lista dei dati OBD con i seguenti tag:
- <item> elemento della lista. Può essere ripetuto n volte. Contenente i seguenti tag:
- <consumer> contains the Id of the consumer
- <type> contains the type of report:
- 0 (zero) – periodical report
- 1 (one) – real time report
- <connect> reports if the device is connected to the vehicle:
- 0 (zero) – not connected
- 1 (one) – connected
- <voltage> reports the power voltage coming from the vehicle to the OBD interface
- <rpm> reports the engine RPM (Revolutions per minute)
- <speed> contains the vehicle speed
- <coolanttemp> reports the engine coolant temperature
- <fuelconsumption> reports the engine fuel consumption in real time
- <dtccleareddist> reports the distance traveled since last DTC deletion
- <milactivateddist> reports the distance traveled since DTC activation
- <milstatus> reports the malfunctioning LED status:
- 0 (zero): off.
- 1 (one): on
- <throttle> the value of throttle position percentage
- <engineload> engine load percentage
- <fuellevel> the value of fuel level input percentage
- <obdmessagetime> UCT date and time of OBD sampling in yyyyMMddhhmmss format
- <creationdate> UCT date and time of OBD message creation in yyyyMMddhhmmss format
- <dtcscount> total number of DTCs (Diagnostic Trouble Codes) found in OBD sampling
- <dtcs> if the OBD message contains one or more DTC codes, this node will contain <dtc> sub nodes containing one code each
- <dtc> contains a DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Code) value