

Returns the track responding to input parameters. The track could be a private track, a friend's track or a public one. If it is used “trackloadpub” command, public tracks can be read without giving username and password.

Command's fields description:

  • txtUser1 field is the “username” of MyWakes account.

  • txtUser2 field is the “password” of MyWakes account.

  • txtCommand field contains the command: “trackload” or “trackloadpub”.

  • txtFormat optional field specifies txtParameters and response formats. more info.

  • txtParameter field contains a structure like this:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> 
  "trackload": {
    "id": "10",
    "time": "20101025183000"

Note: both commands root tag is <trackload>



  • <id> mandatory. Id of the track to load. Can be read using <tracklist> command.

  • <interestpoints> optional. Can be:

    • 0 (zero) MyWakes server does not send POIs. This is default value.
    • 1 (one) MyWakes server sends POIs.
  • <lasttime> optional. The format is yyyyMMddhhmmss. If set the backend server will return only points with a date greater then this user value.

  • <minitem> optional. Used for paging results. If set returns points greater than this value.

  • <maxitem> optional. Used for paging results. If set returns points less than this value. The total number of rows returned by this command must less than 2000.

  • <simplifiedmax> optional. Only if a track is closed, and no values are set for <minitem> and <maxitem>, permits to have track points in simplified mode.

  • <time> mandatory, date and time in UTC. The accepted format is “yyyyMMddhhmmss”.

  • txtProvider field must contain the application calling ID and generated characters.

  • txtSignature field must contain the signature based on the string made of “Command Name” + “id” + “time” + “generated character to 32”.

Looking at the previous example, the string on which calculate the check will be:

Therefore the txtProvider field will be:

Returns a structure like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	<message><![CDATA[ OK ]]></message>
		<description><![CDATA[titolo della traccia]]></description>
  "furesult": {
    "message": " OK ",
    "track": {
      "description": "titolo della traccia",
      "color1": "00ffff",
      "color2": "00ff00",
      "public": "1",
      "updateposition": "1",
      "autoclosed": "0",
      "photo": "",
      "starttime": "20101112173025",
      "endtime": "20101112174015",
      "length": "50.18",
      "minaltitude": "1000",
      "maxaltitude": "2000",
      "totpoints": "2",
      "points": {
        "point": [
            "latitude": "44.5927777777778",
            "longitude": "11.6555555555556",
            "accuracy": "20",
            "altitude": "500",
            "altitudeaccuracy": "15",
            "heading": "10",
            "speed": "170",
            "message": "Ciao.",
            "type": "0",
            "time": "20101112173026"
            "latitude": "44.62",
            "longitude": "11.70",
            "accuracy": "20",
            "altitude": "500",
            "altitudeaccuracy": "15",
            "heading": "30",
            "speed": "270",
            "message": "Ciao.",
            "type": "0",
            "time": "20101112174000"



  • <message> contains OK or Error description
  • <track> if the command has succeeded and <message> is OK this tag exists and contains the track with the following tags:
    • <description> description of the track
    • <color1> the line's color in rrggbb format.
    • <color2> the transparency altitude's color in rrggbb format
    • <public> can be:
      • 0 (zero) – if track is private and still visible only to the track owner.
      • 1 (one) – if the track will be published to a page that has to be shown to friends
      • 2 (two) – if the track can be published in a common page where all public tracks are visible to everybody
    • <updateposition> can be:
      • 0 (zero) – if trackpoint command did not update current user's position
      • 1 (one) – if trackpoint command update current user's position
    • <photo> the URL of KMZ file that shows all the pictures that are linked to the track
    • <starttime> the start UTC date and time of recording in yyyyMMddhhmmss format
    • <endtime> the end UTC date and time of recording in yyyyMMddhhmmss format (only if track is closed)
    • <length> track length in Km (only if track is closed)
    • <minaltitude> minimum altitude of the track in Feet (only if track is closed)
    • <maxaltitude> maximum altitude of the track in Feet (only if track is closed)
    • <totpoints> total number of points of the track. Also when paging this field contains the total number of points but is present only if the track is closed
    • <realtime> the device real time mode:
      • 0 (zero) – the device is not in real time mode
      • 1 (one) – the device is in real time mode
    • <autoclosed> can be:
      • null – the track is open
      • 0 (zero) – the track has been closed correctly by the user
      • 1 (one) – the track has been closed by the server
    • <points> this node contains the points forming the track:
      • <point> at least one point have to exists. Every single <point> node contains:
        • <latitude> the point's latitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the southern hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
        • <longitude> the point's longitude in degree and decimal degrees. If the position is in the western hemisphere the value will be negative so it will be preceded by a minus sign
        • <altitude> the point's altitude in feet without decimal numbers
        • <accuracy> the point's accuracy in meters without decimal numbers
        • <altitudeaccuracy> the altitude's accuracy in feet without decimal numbers
        • <heading> the direction of the vehicle in degrees from 0 to 359
        • <speed> the detected speed expressed in meters per second and tenths of a meter per second
        • <message> message sent along with the position. Maximum length is 1000 characters
        • <type> The type of the position and can be:
          • 0: standard
          • 1: SOS
          • 2: begin of activity
          • 3: end of activity
          • 4: button 1 pressed
          • 5: button 2 pressed
          • 6: button 3 pressed
          • 7: button 4 pressed
          • 8: state changed from motion to rest
          • 9: state changed from rest to motion
          • 100~218: POI's (Point of Interest) category linked to the track. The categories are visible in the following table


            Point types


        • <time> UTC date and time of the position in yyyyMMddhhmmss format

If MyWakes server returns an error, the format of this answer is described in the error section.

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