Tracking Interface specification Web API
Tracking interface is based upon 16 commands.
Here you see a detailed explanation of each command.
trackstatus. Returns if exists an open track.
trackiframetoshow. Returns a one-shot token in order to render MyWakes Radar Gadget.
trackconsumerslist. Returns the list of the consumers that own tracks.
trackfriendslist. Returns the list of friends that shared their tracks with the specified user.
tracklist. Returns the list of user's tracks.
trackload. Returns the track responding to input parameters.
trackloadpub. Clone of previous command that permits to read public tracks without username and password authentication.
trackloadbydate. Returns tracks that have points between given dates.
trackloadpubbydate. Clone of previous command that permits to read public tracks without username and password authentication.
trackpointsloadbydate. Returns points between given dates.
trackpointspubbydate. Clone of previous command that permits to read public tracks without username and password authentication.
consumerobd. Returns requested consumer's OBD data between given dates.
trackradar. Returns user's position.
radariframetoshow. Returns a one-shot token order to render MyWakes Tracks Gadget.
usertimezone. Gets the current user's timezone setting..
setantitheft. Turn on or off antitheft alarm for a given consumer.
This interface is called through “cloudcommand” service
(Note: Request the application Key, in order to gain access to MyWakes Cloud Sevices)
At this page you have to POST those fields:
txtUser1. My Wakes account User Name.
txtUser2. My Wakes account Password.
txtCommand. Command to execute.
txtFormat. Optional field specifies txtParameters and response formats. more info.
txtParameter. Each command has its own unique parameters that are passed in XML/JSON.
txtProvider. Field containing the calling application’s ID and additional control characters for command validation.
txtSignature. Field containing the digital signature.
Note: each consumer can have only one active track at a time.
Tracks viewing
Each user in his profile can look at his tracks, edit descriptions, colors, set them as private or public and delete them.
Display public tracks
This interface generate a URL that the user can share with his friends in order to display his old tracks or his real time position. Along with each URL will be also created a QR Code. Sharing those information can be made by mail.
Automatic closing service
When a track remains opened for 24 hours without receiving any point, MyWakes will close this track automatically and the closing time will be the last received point's time.
MyWakes will record when a track has been automatically closed by the server.